
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
God heals the patient and the physician renders the bill!

Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Doctors do still have some say so in who they see...or who they will continue to see. Better to remember that. If you leave a doctor because you had to wait...be prepared to wait at the next doctor's office. The nature of the disease which is the practice of medicine lends itself to unexpected delays that may affect the efficiency of your office visit. A word to the wise is sufficient. Ps...the person that the doctor helped that in turn made him late to help you, may be you next time.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Urological Wit and Wisdom: Chapter 36-Do you see that silver building over there?
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
If you have a surgical service you can't have every Harry , Dick, and Sam filling up all your beds.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Urological Wit and Wisdom: Chapter 35-Keep your nose clean.
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
A good reputation takes years to build and seconds to lose.

Thursday Jun 11, 2015
Chapter 40- Have you ever sewn in a drain Dr. Dixon?
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
Honesty is indeed the best policy.
Urological Wit and Wisdom available on Amazon.com

Thursday May 14, 2015
Thursday May 14, 2015
The male with the enlarged prostate will complain of getting up at night to pee but the problem is obstruction to the flow of urine by the prostate.

Thursday May 14, 2015
Urological Wit and Wisdom-Chapter 33-Prostates have to vine ripen.
Thursday May 14, 2015
Thursday May 14, 2015
To every time a season and to every enlarged prostate a time to intervene.

Thursday May 14, 2015
Urological Wit and Wisdom-Chapter 32-Treatment plan? Which month is it?
Thursday May 14, 2015
Thursday May 14, 2015
You adapt your strategy to the landscape you are faced with.

Wednesday May 13, 2015
Urological Wit and Wisdom-Chapter 31-Two diseases can occur at the same time.
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Wednesday May 13, 2015
A patient can have lice and fleas at the same time.- Osler

Monday May 11, 2015
Urological Wit and Wisdom-Chapter 30-When all else fails blame the patient.
Monday May 11, 2015
Monday May 11, 2015
Yes it was the doctors fault but don't go a taking defeat from the jaws of victory by taking credit for it.